All in 5 Work

Chronos Vs. Kairos

The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. The first, Chronos, refers to quantitative time. The second word Kairos, predating Einstein, refers to a more fluid, relative perspective of time.

Adapt. Overcome. Improvise.

Evolution in business is brutal. Scratch that. ‘Brutal’ implies that there is intent. Business is mindless. Business is agnostic. Business doesn’t care how hard we work. Business doesn’t care whether we care.

Do Not Be Afraid

Let’s make time for that coffee date. Let’s reach out to our peers. It is these interactions that shield us. It is the mycelium that provides us with collective intelligence to ward off threats.

Where Does Joy Reside?

“Where does joy reside?” my friend blurted out. This problem has been meditated upon for millennia. All religious and philosophical texts contain a version of the aphorism, life is difficult.

Five Lessons In Sales

After a month of focusing on selling stuff, here are my five top takeaways from all our interviews and research, including this week’s entrepreneur event focusing on sales and targeting.