It's Time To Get 'Out There'
We’ve been focusing a lot on enticing our community to engage with each other more. The entrepreneur-focused research conducted by our Foundation shows unambiguously that we entrepreneurs are an ambiguous lot.
Huh, what?
Yeah, seriously. When asked ‘what contributed most to your development as an entrepreneur?’ 60% of us said ‘learning by myself’.
But then, 64% of us also ticked the box ‘learning from others’.
Ja, exactly. We’re a complicated bunch.
Well, it’s like this. We like working alone. Long hours. Two am sessions. Watching obscure recipes like Neil Dundas’ recipe on how to book a domain name or Sarah Rice’s recipe on entrepreneur culture and teams.
At the same time, we really want to connect with other entrepreneurs. We want to engage with the other crazy ones - those entrepreneroes* taking bullets in the trenches. Just like us. We want to find out how other people are doing it. Exchange notes on their recipes and find out their secret ingredients.
We work well alone, but work is better when we interact, connect, network and gain perspective from like-minded folks.
So, here are some entrepreneur gatherings where we can do exactly that. The Heavy Chef team have loaded up events all the way up to November; with a brand new session in October, live today. All free for Heavy Chef subscribers and Heavy Chef members. Featuring prizes, complimentary wine, smoothies, juices, CBD waters (the Lawd knows we need those things) and snacks.
Sales And Targeting. 27 September CPT
The first is urgent. It’s next week Tuesday evening and it’s in Cape Town and it’s gonna be awesome. We have Landie Stevens and Jason Luboyera unpacking Sales And Targeting. It’s filling up quickly so book your seats here.
Heavy Chef members get free tickets. Not a member? Sign up here, easy.
Brand Building. 15 November JHB
The second one is in November. We’re featuring two of our favourite celebrity entrepreneurs on stage. Ernest North, the irrepressible co-founder of Naked (them of the big bold billboards errrwhere) will join the even more irrepressible Mike Sharman on stage in Johannesburg. The conversation will focus on Brand Building. Book here.
Heavy Chef members get free tickets. Not a member? Sign up here, easy.
Values-Based Business. 20 October CPT
Then, we have a brand new event, this time at the gorgeous Kloof Street W17 venue at the foot of Table Mountain. We’re focusing on Values-Based Business. I’m well amped to announce that we’re hosting Robyn Smith, founder of Faithful to Nature, and Khanya Mncwabe, founder of Matawi. On Thursday 20 October, we’ll be unpacking what it means to have a good business that does good business. It’s in October and it will be epic. Book your place here.
Heavy Chef members get free tickets. Not a member? Sign up here, easy.
So, now, you have no excuse to get out and at ‘em. These sessions have everything. Great people. Great wine. Great conversations. Great learnings.
And, did I mention, they’re free for Heavy Chef members?
Well, they’re free. For Heavy Chef members.
Thanks to PayFast and Xero, who are passionate about you entrepreneurs, you don’t have to pay a cent.
Nicks. Nada. Nuuuut’ing.
Not a member yet? What the heck are you even doing?
Sign up here.
Then come and engage.
Step awaaaay from the phone/laptop/computer.
Walk slowly towards the light.
That’s it.
There you go.
Fun, right?
Let’s get ‘out there’.
See you at an event soon.
Peace -
p.s. If you want assistance booking tickets, or want to get a bunch for your team, our amazing colleague Zsuzsa is on hand. Just email Zsu here. By the way, Zsu’s name is pronounced ‘zjooo-ZJA’. You’re welcome.
* New word, heard here first, I made it up, it’s mine.